Paul in his treatise on the resurrection of the believer writes, “But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep,” (I Cor 15:20 NAS). Easter Sunday is just a few days away, and I am asking God to give you the best Easter Sunday ever.

Have you ever thought about how the disciples must have felt on that first Good Friday? No doubt they were confused, afraid, and anxious. Their Lord whom they had followed for the past three years was now dead. He was in the tomb. The Scriptures tell us that the disciples even hid behind closed doors for fear of the Jews. Good Friday was actually anything but good on the surface. And Saturday? Saturday was that day in between Good Friday and Saturday. Saturday was tough. More anxiety. More fear. All of us have had our “Saturday’s” between Good Friday and Sunday. Our Saturday’s may be a bad doctor’s report, a pink slip at work, an unanswered pray. We wait for God to move. It seems as if Saturday will last forever.

But praise God, Sunday came. Then came the morning! Jesus rose victorious over death and the grave. Paul said “But now . . .” Saturday had ended, and Sunday had arrived. Child of God, take comfort. It may be Saturday in your world, but Sunday is coming! Jesus has risen from the dead. He told a discouraged John on the Isle of Patmos, “I am alive!” He is alive! We are justified by the life of Jesus. Jesus is our living High Priest who is praying for us at this very moment. Take courage in 2022; your Savior, my Savior lives. Have a blessed Easter!