Recently I met with the Stat Council for the Church of God Michigan and shared with them our emphasis for 2019-2020 which is “Renewal”. I believe that more than ever before we need renewal and revival in the body of Christ. There have been over twenty shootings in America in the past seven months. The prophet Hosea issued a call that is needed in our day:  “Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that He may come and shower righteousness upon you,” (10:12 NLT). America needs a rain of righteousness, but as God’s people we are to do three things:  Plant good seeds of righteousness, plow up the hard ground of our hearts, and seek the Lord. Christian historian David Barton said of the American church, “We could win this nation back if the church would simply revive its passion for holiness and discipleship again.” God wants to give us revival. I believe the body of Christ calling out to God for spiritual renewal/revival can make a difference.


I will be sending each pastor a copy of the book, Back to the Altar, which is a call for spiritual renewal and revival. I am asking pastors in the Church of God in Michigan to join me for webinars in October and November to discuss Back to the Altar and to begin a call for revival in each of our churches. The church can make a difference. Please join me in prayer for revival. May the heavens above us be open!