I would like to give each one of you a personal invitation to attend “Catch Fire” Camp Meeting 2018 on the camp here in Fenton. In keeping with the General Overseer’s theme for the General Assembly, “Finishing in the Spirit and Power of Pentecost,” I am asking God to send the fire of the Holy Spirit into our midst this camp meeting. Both our morning speaker, Pastor Barry Clardy, and our evening speaker, Bishop Terry Hart, are anointed men of God filled with the power and fire of the Holy Spirit who will be bringing us a now word.
One might ask why attend camp meeting? I think there are several reasons. First of all, there is a power in corporate worship. The Holy Spirt was poured out on 120 believers in the Upper Room; they came together. Let’s come together expecting God to pour out His Spirit in our camp meeting. Second, as individuals camp meeting allows us to be refreshed and revived. I cannot tell you how many times I have been refreshed and revived in camp meeting. Third, camp meeting allows us to fellowship with other believers of like faith and passion. Some of my best friendships and fond memories are from camp meetings over the years.
I am asking you to clear your calendars for June 19-22, 2018 and meet us here on the campground in Fenton, Michigan. The Church of God in Michigan will be praying for both our General Assembly and Camp Meeting 2018 the week of May 21-27.